Monday, May 21, 2012

Seven Weeks

Nothing much to report at seven weeks. I'm trying some therapy on straight spots before I put the wax in for this next B week. I dislike B week.

On an unrelated note, we went down for my sister-in-law's graduation, so I was exposed to a large number of people who hadn't seen my hair before. There was the usual gamut of questions, such as "So you don't wash your hair at all, right?" and "Is that your real hair?" and "Now, are those braids?"

I washed my hair yesterday.

I also had someone in Wal-Mart be like, "Ma'am? I think you're hair is really cool." That was fun.

I wouldn't want to go through the backcombing and starting phase again, and I've already stated I wouldn't if I somehow lost my dreads... but it's getting to the point where I might try and find a salon to put them in. I am falling in love with my dreadies.

My mom emailed me at some point telling me that Studio X in Ames does dreadlocks. Their website is less than informative, more like a website that exists just to have a website, and the phone number included. I haven't checked them out yet to see if they do dreadlocks the backcombing way, but I'm tempted to call and see if they do dread maintenance. Then maybe I'll have them clean up my dreads and take care of some of the slacker ones when I'm ready to get my bands out. Like a dreadlock checkup.

I have also obtained two new beads. Collecting beads for my hair is my new hobby. But anyway, these beads are heavy metal nickle-colored ones and they were on a hatstring for my little sister-in-law's cowgirl hat. The hat broke, so she gave me the beads. I probably won't wear them much for a while, until my dreads are a little more solid. Also, I'm going to try and avoid washing them, as I don't know what metal they are made out of. But still fun :)

1 comment:

  1. Dreads are looking good! Do you still dread showing your mom your hair?
