David and Kyle finally got all the backcombing finished up today. I may have cried a little bit this time with the pulling on my scalp... but that could of been because Captain Kirk's father was busy sacrificing himself to save most of the crew, their families, and his wife pregnant with Kirk himself... what a hero.
Mom emailed me and asked how they look, I said "pretty bad" and she's like, "Can't you just take them out?" Ah no, not really. DreadHeadHQ sells a product called Dread Zasta that is for combing out dreads if you really have to. And now that I see the condition my hair is in, I have to say that it must be one heck of a product. Like Goo Gone for hair.
But, I made a promise, and unless someone tells my that I did it totally wrong and there is no way my dreads are going to mature, I'm going to try leaving them in. I have a tam, and most situations won't make me take it off... although I fear for the time I have to do the pledge of allegiance at my County Central Committee meeting. My post is already being questioned (redrawing precincts in an election year... boo) and if they see me with dreads... yeah.
But anyway, I am on day one! I am starting them! I am a wax head!
Seriously, I have got to get more of the wax out. Actually, I think my keyboard has a layer of wax on it. Stuff is sticky. However, wearing waxy dreads in a tam apparently streamlines them. I will give you a picture. Sorry about the lighting. Lighting in our apartment is bad and it is full dark outside. Just because it feels like the middle of summer doesn't mean it's light until nine.
I kind of want to send a picture to Jonny Clean of DreadHeadHQ and be like, "Promise me it gets better!" I mean, that's what I've heard.
Also, I am quite worried about the tips. Because we backcombed over several days (and the instructions seemed to say to rubberband right away), we rubberbanded right away. Now all the rubberbands are impossible snarls that I will probably have to cut out. The only reason I'm not worrying more over them is because the point is to make knots... and boy are they making knots.
Other thing I'm worried about is that despite my head being sectioned, they seem to have come out several different sizes. But it could be charming, I don't know.
I guess they only thing I do know right now is that I cannot go back. It's only forward. And after all the hard work people put into it, I don't really want to. I just want someone to promise me that what is growing on my head right now can become cool dreads.
Oh, I put rubberbands on the roots. It isn't as cool fuzzy up there anymore and you can see the section lines, but it should keep the dreads from growing together and keep a lot of loose hair from falling out.
I started a DreadHeadHQ service called "Lock-Up Dates." You get access to this whenever you buy a Dread Kit. It basically emails you pertinent information at the appropriate time, based on when you sign up (which should be right after you finish backcombing). So... now I'm waiting, I guess. I have a vague idea that I should palm roll a little more (although not today. I'm done today), but other than that... not really sure until the second month, where I'd hit a sort of routine.
So, pictures! You want pictures! Day 1!
Me with wax. I was starting to call the really waxy dreads "candles."

My dread hopefuls, all fluffy after the hair dryer.

Me in my tam... which is how people are going to be seeing me for at least a week.

My dreadies streamlined after being in the tam with wax.

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