Kyle keeps asking, "Do you regret your decision yet?" and my answer is, "somewhat." But there is no going back at this point.
Why do I regret? Well, for one they are calling it a night, and I still have about 32 braids that still need dreading. I refuse to go to church tomorrow if I still have braids. It really wouldn't matter that much because I'd be sporting a tam, but still. Also, I did not know I was going to look as absurd as I do. And thirdly, I think maybe my sections should have been larger. Some of my dreads are soooo tiny... I'm not sure I like how they look.
Does it get better? Some people seem pretty pumped right after they finish, ready to go out and show off to the world. Right now, I look more like a cautionary tale. I don't think I did anything wrong... I kind of wish someone would have told me I'd look so crazy. I knew it was going to take a while and a lot of work, but I didn't want to look so bad for so long.
Maybe the wax will help it out. I'm not putting it in until we finish the dreads. Maybe I'm just deluding myself and Mom was right.

4 days and only 1 person on my head here. I did find that sleeping with a beanie or something like that helped keep em flat. But it was soooo hot to sleep in.