Don't look much different from last week, huh? Well hopefully, they are tightening inside. There are some straight spots within dreads that kind of worry me, but hopefully they are there from backcombing and not because I somehow wrecked them by misusing my tools.
Now something to note, I've had a few dreadlock dreams. Bizarre, huh? I guess I think about them a lot. I used to have dreams about my teeth falling out and that could have been an offshoot from having braces. In my first one, some of my dreads came off near the roots, leaving just the rubberband holding the hair in place. In the second dream, some dread professionals agreed to help fix my hair (from what, I'm not sure. I had all of it attached in my second dream). In my third dream, my dreadlocks were just falling out, leaving loose straight hair behind.
Crazy stuff, huh?
My in-laws are getting more used to it (one even said they were "growing on her." I try and make people think twice about that idiom). Even so, when I am explaining them to some people, they look at me like I decided to get a tattoo on my forehead. I don't get it. It is just a hair style.
I should also confess: I have stopped wearing the nylon. I'd rather check my pillow for lint at night than have my dreadies bunched around my ear. And I have rubberbands at the roots, so that should help with loose hair in the shower. I like being able to reach my scalp when washing it. It feels like the nylon absorbs the shampoo and I just lose it.
And I'm sure half of it is because I feel really stupid wearing it.
amen to that! lol