Sunday, June 3, 2012

Nine Weeks/Two Months

Hey y'all, it's the third and I finished backcombing April 1st... So that's two months! And like, two days.

So I went ahead and blunted all the ends. It took forever and I had to do it over several different sessions. Basically what I was doing was taking, or breaking, the rubberband out of my hair. I was uncomfortable to find some wax had accumulated under the rubberband, but I suppose that's to be expected. I mean, I knew they were prone to doing that. I just don't like wax in my hair. So anyway, I'd try and pull the paintbrush tip out so I knew all of it that wasn't knotted, then I used my Lock Scuplta, that tiny crochet hook, to try and pull the loose tip hair into the tighter knotted body of the dreadchild.

The knotted bit was often quite knotted and didn't really have room for all of the tip, so it was hard and took a lot of work with the Sculpta. I went at it so long, I developed a blister on one of my fingers and my hand started cramping.

But the tips look awesome. For the longest time I've felt like apologizing for my hair and I'll look into the mirror and worry, and wonder if my dreadies will ever look like actual dreadlocks. But now I look into the mirror and think I look pretty cool. I still have the bands at the roots, and I'm thinking I'll wait another two weeks to actually take those out. This next week is a B week, and then after that is A Week and vacation... so maybe after vacation. Maybe after the B week, I don't know.

I know not all the tips will stay blunted the first time around. But I think the self-esteem that came from blunting the tips and what they look like now will help carry me forward a little bit.

I still have those problem ones. There are a couple in the front that could fit in a drinking straw and don't seem to be maturing, but I'll worry about all that later.

[May not look all that different to you, but the nice blunt ends instead of miniature hair explosions make me feel so much better.]

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to blunt my ends!!!! Don't worry, the thin dread children will grow up to be amazing!
