Sorry I am late on this post. I am currently in Branson, on my phone. And the Internet didn't work for my phone the first couple of days.
Want to know how my vacation is going? I am having a blast, but I've also been stupid. I am not fragile, not a China doll, just stupid. Like just going along doing normal things wouldn't have put me in the spot I'm in.
First off, I burnt my back. No biggie, just some time at the pool, but it was burnt and somewhat painful. Then, Tuesday, I went out on a boat ride. I went because I wanted to feel the wind in my dreads and the speed of the boat... not sunbathe. I had no idea we'd be out there so long, otherwise I would have put sunscreen on. And the cool breeze tricks your mind and makes you think you aren't getting burnt... my legs went from white to red. And on fire. I was begging for aloe vera by the end of the day. Aside from my legs, burnt my face, arms, and chest.
So yesterday, I took precautions against the sun when we went out. 50 spf, and I stayed in whatever shade I could find. I probably wasn't in the sun more than fifteen minutes. Turns out the sun wasn't my problem. First time I jump off the cliff, it goes fine and I hit the water feet first and slide right in. One of my ears begins to ache on the way back up and I spend a little time trying to determine if I busted it. I think I still have water in it. Second time I agreed to go with my scared sister-in-law, me jumping from the higher spot at the same time. I count down and I jump... and look over to see myself falling alone. So I didn't have time to get in position after looking before I hit. I dog paddle back to the cliff so I can restore the feeling in my left leg before swimming to the boat. Now I have a pretty impressive purple bruise up my whole thigh.
My point being, all these things were avoidable. I could have used sunscreen. I didn't have to jump twice. I didn't have to jump from the higher cliff. I am not accident prone, just a bit daring and a bit stupid. Thankfully my acrobatics on the zip line didn't hurt me.
Oh, you wanted to hear about my dreads? That's a bit of a sad story. Yes, I still have them. My step-father-in-law offered the zipline guy 50 bucks if he could comb them out.
But the sad part is that I went and blunted all my ends. So not all of them are locked in. And I've been swimming. Swimming pulls out pretty much all of your loose hair. I had to redo around 10 to 15 ends after I swam the first time. I stuck what bands I had with me on some of them, and now I have like five ends I have to redo every time I go under. I was really worried in the beginning, but I'm at peace now. I'll just put them back together as they come undone.
Pics? Not sure how they work on the phone apparently. I tried to attach one, I'll have to check and see what it looks like when I get back on a computer.
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