Now it's about the stuffs!
Ok, wait a second, what does SWAG even mean? I've seen it all over the place and frankly I thought it mean something along the lines of "booty" as in the pirate variation. One second.
Aha. My usage of it in the title of this post is entirely wrong. Swag is apparently partially how one carries oneself and could also relate to "free stuff" that is given out promotionally.(
Urban Dictionary)
Well then. Not swag. Stuffs. Gear. Essentials.
As I am obsessed with DreadHeadHQ, I ordered their kit, a few of their tools, and some extra shampoo and style stuff.
Here is a helpful list of stuff I got from DreadHeadHQ:
-Dreadlock soap (no-residue shampoo)
-Backcombing combs
-Dread wax
-Dread butta (like lotion... for dreads!)
-Lock Accelerator (still not sure what this is, but it should help)
-Lock Peppa (same as above)
-Head Honcho (a head scratcher)
-Lock Sculpta (like a tiny tiny crochet hook)
-Loose Hair Tool 2.0 (Uh.. it has a hook. To pull hair in.)
-A brimmed tam (simply because I like the brim)
-A Dread Band (honcho headband of sorts)
-A small baggie of beads
-Stickers! (I didn't say I paid for everything. Stickers are swag!)
Stuff I got from Wal-Mart:
-Cheapest blowdryer money can buy (which at Wal-Mart is about $9.67)
-Simple, colorful headbands
-Body wash, but that really has nothing to do with this. I was running short.
So, adding all that stuff up. Price wise, dread kit and all accessories got a little pricey, but over all, it will be less than I paid on haircuts. I stopped getting my hair stacked in the back for $30 a cut when David lost his job. Partially why I started looking for alternate options. The dread beads, three small black wooden beads with tiny fake diamonds on them were free because there was a mixup with my order and they were kind enough to send that along with the missing stuff. So I have beads! Only problem with black beads is that my hair is almost black the way it is. So they will disappear, except for the bedazzle. Which could actually be kind of cool.
My husband, David, is like, "So, you could put them in when you wanted to look nice."
I'm like, [highly sarcastic] "Yeah, to look nice, I'll put BEADS in my DREADS..." Not something you think of, seeing how most people seem to have the opinion that if I am pretty now, I won't be with dreads. However, I did say I wanted to change stereotypes. Bring on the bling beads for my Sunday Best!
But, adding that stuff up, not related to price. I am putting my dreads in by backcombing. The combs are sturdy, straight combs good for that. The Lock Accelerator is supposed to help the hair... lock... better. The Dread Soap is residue free and also helps hair lock. The residue free part is important because 1) residue makes your hair less likely to knot (that's how conditioner works) and 2) if residue builds up inside your dreads, it could mold and rot and stink. And that sucks. Lock Peppa is a powder that you put on your hair that helps it knot really well while backcombing. Rubberbands are for holding the ends. Wax is to help hold the knots inside the dread and let them acclimatize to being knotted. Dread Butta is to keep your hair healthy in the dread. The Lock Sculpta and Loose Hair Tool 2.0 are both for getting hair outside your dread back in your dread. Dread Band is to keep the dreads back without hiding them, the tam is to hide them around all of my relatives who are sure to make fun of me.
Then from Wal-Mart, the hair dryer is for melting the wax into my hair and drying dreads when they get more mature. They will take longer to dry at that stage, but I am aiming for getting thinner dreads, which shouldn't be too bad. It's rather sad, I went for years without a hair dryer and now I have to get one. The nylons are to wear on my head in the shower and while sleeping in the early days before my dreads lock. It helps keep the hair in and makes me look stupid at the same time. I'm sure you'll get pictures. And the colorful headbands are just for holding my hair back when it's too warm for the fleece Dread Band and I don't want to wear a tam. And currently all these goodies are sitting in a box just waiting for me to use them!
One moment while I inhale the wonderful aromas of both the wax and the Dread Butta. At least I can be sure my dreads will smell good. I just hope I don't eat them in my sleep. Then I'd have to put the nylon over my face and there'd be no way you are getting pictures of that.
So I basically bought everything I think I need to make the dreads, and then everything I need to maintain them... for a while. Once I get past the initial waxing phase, I shouldn't need that anymore. I'll still use the Dread Butta (actually, the wax can moisturize, so technically I don't even need the Butta before I finish with the wax) for possibly as long as I have dreads. Dreads hold all the hair that has fallen out (I won't shed anymore!) and as such, needs nutrients and moisturizing to keep the hair healthy. The tools will help upkeep my dreads. All that I should need now is more of the soap (eventually. I have a lot of soap), more of the Butta, and then when I have money to maybe go crazy and buy like two more tams and some beads.