Currently, the loose hairs are getting out of control. I'm getting that fuzzy aura, and it seems like there is just too many to handle and too many to deal with. The ones in the back, down near my neck refuse to progress and consistently fall out, but they've been a problem since the beginning. Probably because they were only like three inches before being backcombed. Several dreads still have weak spots that I can't seem to fix.
But also several dreads seem to actually be mature, featuring that hard-like-a-rope feel. These are mostly the longer ones on the top of my head. It's nice that the maturing ones are on the outside, they can help hide the ones infected by fuzz.
Here's a goofy-smile version to demonstrate.
Also, per suggestion by Jonny Clean, I was thinking about putting larger seed beads on that little bit of loose hair, at least up to the knot. Went to Hobby Lobby to peruse their bead selection and hit a snag. So they have like five different color combinations named whimsical things like "Autumn Blend," with corresponding colors. You can guess for something like autumn. I just want your basic color combinations with a standard rainbow of colors. Primary with a few blends, like orange and green. Heck, I'd even take primary. But upon examining their basic color blend, I found it entirely lacked the color red. It had orange. It had green. It had yellow and blue. But no red.
As red is one of my favorite colors and as calling a color blend lacking red "basic" is entirely an affront against nature and colors as a concept, I neglected to buy it. So I am still searching for the right seed bead packet, and then someone (read: not me) to take on the trouble of stringing them. Then I should have an awesome little bead strand over one shoulder. Unfortunately, the Ames Hobby Lobby is busy affronting color theory and every time I think about going to the Des Moines one, it happens to be a Sunday. I've noticed similar effects related to Chic-Fil-A. Why should I always want Chic-Fil-A on the one day they are closed? Something is against me, and I'm afraid to consider it is my own brain.
In other news, while I was at Hobby Lobby purchasing a large amount of 99 cent bandannas for my hair (including such unpopular colors like red), I looked at other beads, like the ones you buy those basic little bracelets for and then by five+ overpriced beads and call yourself unique because there's a semi-decent chance nobody else combined those same five+ beads. And I found a bead that is ADORABLE. And I do not use that word lightly.
Behold the cuteness which is small-frog-on-a-bead! Now that I have stunned all your senses with small-frog, I bid you farewell. Until whenever else I make myself update. As in, maybe next time the WoW servers are down.